
When Should You Replace Your Car Tires?

When Should You Replace Your Car Tires?

Quality tires are a crucial part of your car's integrity and safety. Although, you may attempt to use the naked eye to gauge the quality and condition of their tires, unless you are a car enthusiast or serviceman, knowing when to replace them can be quite tricky. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding to replace your car tires.

shadrach-warid-gqb3xbGa5Y-unsplash-1-200x300.jpgShadrach Warid

Tread Wear Condition

Tread wear is the most common way to determine your tire's wear rate and lifespan. The higher a tire's wear rate, the longer it takes to wear down. Tires with grades of 200 wear twice as long as the average tire, which is usually of 100 or less, like control brand tires.

Legal and approved tires for the rode range from  2/32 (1.6 mm) inches of tread depth or more. Anything less is likely a poorly made tire or in need of replacement.

jiafeng-wang-tYlV0rFisjg-unsplash-1-300x225.jpgJiafeng Wang

Age Of Tires

For most, six years is the rule of thumb before a tire replacement, recommended by manufacturers. Depending on different vehicles and mileages run, you should undergo maintenance and regular checking before five years. Ten years is the legal amount of time tires should be used and, anything past that should be removed from any vehicle, even if they seem to be in good condition.

Check the 4-digit age on your tires to be sure–the first two numbers represent the week they were made while the last two represent the year.

soma-laszlo-b2JpGxdatRY-unsplash-225x300.jpgSoma Laszlo

Element Exposure

Tires are incredibly susceptible to wear-and-tear as they are constantly exposed to all sorts of weather elements, many of which are harmful to rubber materials. Structural damage can be caused by road heat, UV rays and extreme cold conditions. Roads covered by snow require 5/32 inches (3.9 mm) to maintain control. In general, tires with 4/32 (3 mm) of tread depth make a considerable difference when it comes to performance, control and traction.

All these factors play into the lifespan of your tires and should be considered when determining when to replace them. Replace before your tires are completely worn out to avoid vehicular accidents. When it comes to car safety, it is always better safe than sorry.

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